====== IROS 2011 Paper Kinect Dataset ======
{{ :kinect:ethzasl_kinect_dataset_setup.jpg?nolink& |}}
You can download the [[http://www.files.ethz.ch/asl/ethzasl_kinect_dataset.tar.bz2|2.6 GB .tar.bz2 file]]. The images above show the 3 different experimental setups.
This dataset is the companion of our [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IROS.2011.6094861|2011 IROS paper]] ([[http://publications.asl.ethz.ch/files/pomerleau11tracking.pdf|full text]]).
This dataset contains 27 [[http://www.ros.org|ROS]] bags of point clouds produced by a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinect|Kinect]] based the ground truth obtained from a [[http://www.vicon.com/|Vicon pose capture system]]. These runs cover 3 environments of increasing complexity, with 3 types of motions at 3 different speeds. This dataset can be used with our [[http://www.ros.org/wiki/ethzasl_icp_mapper?distro=fuerte|ICP Mapper]] to track the pose of the Kinect and to explore parameters of ICP algorithms.
This dataset is linked to the following paper:
F. Pomerleau, S. Magnenat, F. Colas, M. Liu, R. Siegwart, [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IROS.2011.6094861|"Tracking a Depth Camera: Parameter Exploration for Fast ICP"]], Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011 ([[http://publications.asl.ethz.ch/files/pomerleau11tracking.pdf|full text]]).
===== Quick Start =====
This assume that you have the ROS package ethzasl_icp_mapping installed. Instructions can be founded [[ethzasl_icp_mapping|here]].
The source code evolve quite a bit since the publication of the article.
The most visible modification is the creation of a local map instead of using only the last point cloud for registration.
Here is a quick way to test it:
$ roscore &
$ rosparam set use_sim_time true
$ cd
$ rosbag play --clock --pause 0high-0slow-0fly-0_2011-02-19-11-44-41.bag
In an other console:
$ roscd ethzasl_icp_mapper/launch/openni/IROS_2011
$ roslaunch tracker.launch
Finally, to view what is going on:
$ roscd ethzasl_icp_mapper/launch/openni/IROS_2011
$ rosrun rviz rviz -d IROS_2011_rviz.vcg
Then, you just need to go back to your console with the rosbag started in and press spacebar to unpause the playback.
//Tested on Ubuntu 12.04, ROS Fuerte. If it is working on other version, please tell us.//
ethzasl_icp_mapping package revision:
//git commit 403f5e8b2c604d7291fbfccb1878683a84fa3212//