**Datasets accompanying the ICRA 2015 Paper:** A. Bircher, K. Alexis, M. Burri, P. Oettershagen, S. Omari, T. Mantel and R. Siegwart, //"Structural Inspection Path Planning via Iterative Viewpoint Resampling with Application to Aerial Robotics"//
The following datasets are available:
***Fixed-Wing UAV:**
* [[http://robotics.ethz.ch/~asl-datasets/FastIterativeInspectionPlanner/Marche_en_Famenne/Sony%20HDR-AS100VW/|AtlantikSolar Inspection of the Marche-en-Famenne area using a Sony HDR-AS100VW GPS-tagged camera]]
* [[http://robotics.ethz.ch/~asl-datasets/FastIterativeInspectionPlanner/Marche_en_Famenne/VISensor/|AtlantikSolar Inspection of the Marche-en-Famenne area using the VI-Sensor system]]
* **Rotorcraft UAV:**
* [[http://robotics.ethz.ch/~asl-datasets/FastIterativeInspectionPlanner/Cart_Inspection/|Firefly Hexarotor UAV Inspection of a Trolley at the ETH Zurich LEE building]]
You may find all the datasets following this [[http://robotics.ethz.ch/~asl-datasets/FastIterativeInspectionPlanner/|Link]].
All datasets contain dense point clouds derived using the proposed autonomous inspection planner for the flight path, a camera system and the Pix4D software for post-processing of the pose-annotated images. The point clouds are saved in *.ply format and you may load them with any relevant software (e.g. MeshLab). Furthermore, for the case of the Marche-en-Famenne inspection using the AtlantikSolar UAV equipped with the Sony HDR-AS100VW camera orthophoto data along with Google Earth KML files are provided.
**The employed UAVs:**
* AtlantikSolar, a solar-powered long-endurance aerial vehicle designed by our lab and equipped with a monocoluar version of the VI-Sensor. [[http://www.atlantiksolar.ethz.ch/|Find more info here.]]
* Firefly, a hexacopter vehicle from Ascending Technologies and equipeed with advanced functionalities by our lab along with a VI-Sensor module. [[http://wiki.asctec.de/display/AR/AscTec+Research+Home|Find more info here.]]
**The Camera systems used:**
* The Visual Inertial Sensor (VI-Sensor) developed by ASL and Skybotix that provides tightly aligned Visual frames with IMU information. [[hhttp://www.skybotix.com/|Find more info here.]]
* A modified version of the VI-Sensor onboard AtlantikSolar
* A Sony HDR-AS100VW GPS-tagged action cam
**Example images:**
* Below you find example images from the monocular version of the VI-Sensor on-board AtlantikSolar, o f the Sony HDR-AS100VW on-board the same UAV and of the VI-Sensor on-board Firefly.
**How to load the Point-clouds:**
Loading the point-clouds provided here is a meaningful way to assess the quality of the inspection data. Indeed there exist multiple software solutions that allow processing point-clouds. Among them, [[http://meshlab.sourceforge.net/|Meshlab]] is a free-of-charge software available for all major operating systems. Download this software and use the File>Import Mesh functionality to load the point-clouds provided here in ASCII-formatted [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PLY_(file_format)|*.PLY]] form. Below indicative images from the point-clouds.
**How to load the Google-tiles:**
For the case of the fixed-wing UAV inspection using the Sony HDR-AS100VW nadir-looking camera, google tiles are provided that can be loaded using Google Earth. Run the software and then use the File>Open functionality to load the "Marche_en_Famenne_AtlantikSolar_SonyHDRAS100VW_Google.kml" file. Note that close to the edges, accuracy is lost due to lack of information. Below an example with the google tiles loaded and an inspection path plotted on-top.