Thermal Infrared Dataset

This dataset contains 4381 thermal infrared images containing humans, a cat, a horse and 2418 background images (no annotations). We provide manually annotated ground truth for all humans, cat and horse. The dataset is divided into 8 sequences and contains both 16bit (may appear black on most screens) images as well as the downsampled 8bit images. The uniform sampling rate allows the usage of tracking algorithms.

Additionally, we provide a training set with cropped images containig only humans.

The images were recorded using a handheld FLIR Tau 320 thermal infrared camera with a resolution of 324×256 pixels.

All the ground truths have been annotated using the Matlab evaluation/labeling code (3.2.0)

Some example images can be found below.

Background in sequence “Sempach-BG2” Cat in sequence “Sempach-5” Humans in sequence “ETHZ-CLA”
Horse and human in sequence “Sempach-6” Humans in sequence “Sempach-7” Magnification of several humans

For any questions about the dataset refer to Simon Lynen or Jan Portmann. The paper can be downloaded here.


The dataset can be downloaded as a zip archive zip archive.